Sweets Rebuçados de Mel - Mértola RM - 15091113 €2.45 Honey Candies - Monte dos Bens - Mértola Honey reduces throat inflammation and irritation, reducing and relieving coughing. It is efficient in cases of colds and flu because due to its antioxidant power it increases the body's defenses. Pack 100 gr. Add to cart
Sweets Rebuçados de mel e Eucalipto - Mértola RE - 15091114 €2.45 Honey and Eucalyptus Candies - Monte dos Bens - MértolaHoney reduces throat inflammation and irritation, relieving cough. It is efficient in cases of colds and flu and Eucalyptus potentiates cough relief and helps expel sputum in addition to being an antiseptic for the airways. Pack 100 gr. Add to cart
Sweets Rebuçados de Mel e Limão - Mértola RL - 15091115 €2.45 Honey and Lemon Candies - Monte dos Bens - MértolaHoney reduces inflammation and irritation of the throat, relieving cough. Lemon, in addition to a lot of vitamin C, is an excellent antioxidant and due to limonene it has antibacterial properties that help fight flu and colds.Pack 100 gr. Add to cart
Sweets Rebuçados Peitorais - Mértola RP - 15091116 €2.45 Honey Candies - Monte dos Bens - Mértola Honey reduces throat inflammation and irritation, reducing and relieving coughing. It is efficient in cases of colds and flu because due to its antioxidant power it increases the body's defenses. Pack 100 gr. Add to cart
Sweets Rebuçados de Mel e Propólis - Mértola RPR - 15091117 €2.45 Honey and Propolis Candies - Monte dos Bens - MértolaHoney reduces throat inflammation and irritation, relieving cough. It is efficient in cases of colds and flu. Propolis has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral action, strengthening the immune system against infections throughout the body and is therefore widely used in cold seasons and also... Add to cart
Sweets Rebuçados Mel e Canela - Mértola RC - 15091118 €2.45 Honey and Cinnamon Sweets - Monte dos Bens - MértolaHoney reduces throat inflammation and irritation, relieving cough. It is efficient in cases of colds and flu. Cinnamon, for its antibacterial, antioxidant and antiviral power, increases the body's defenses and reduces nasal congestion and coughing. In addition, it decreases abdominal inflammation,... Add to cart
Sweets Rebuçados Mel e Alecrim - Mértola RA - 15091119 €2.45 Honey and Rosemary Candies - Monte dos Bens - Mértola.Honey reduces throat inflammation and irritation, relieving cough. It is efficient in cases of colds and flu. Rosemary relieves pain, discomfort, swelling and inflammation. Pack 100 gr. Add to cart
Sweets Rebuçados Mel e Tomilho RT - 15091120 €2.45 Honey and Thyme Candies - Monte dos Bens - Mértola.Honey reduces throat inflammation and irritation, relieving cough. It is efficient in cases of colds and flu. Thyme, rich in thymol, has antiseptic properties. Pack 100 gr. Add to cart
Sweets Rebuçados Mel e Gengibre - Mértola RG - 15091121 €2.45 Honey and Ginger Candies - Monte dos Bens - Mértola.Honey reduces inflammation and irritation of the throat, relieving cough. It is efficient in cases of colds and flu. Pack 100 gr. Add to cart